Dr. Kamalanabhan T J
- Ph.D. (Organizational Psychology) , University of Madras
- M.Phil. (Psychology), University of Madras
- M.A. (Psychology) , University of Madras
Teaching Experience:
- 30 years
Key Highlights:
- Awarded the Erasmus Mundus teaching Fellowship to teach the European Union students (Master’s program) for 3 months and to do research and teaching at the Department of Industrial Management, Universidad Politechnica De Madrid, Spain 2010.
- Awarded Fulbright fellowship for 3 months to do research and teaching at the Department of International Business, Washington State University, and Pullman, USA in 2002
- Awarded DAAD Fellowship to visit Germany under (German Academic Exchange Programme) to do research in Entrepreneurship at the Department of Management, University of West Saxony, and Zwickau, Germany in 1998